Throughout the years I have always had good and bad periods of time with my skin. One week it would be clear the next week I would be back to where I started. I never had bad acne but I have always struggled with breakouts and it was hard for me to get to the point where I felt ok leaving my house without makeup. Over the last few months especially I found my skin breaking out weekly. One patch of my skin would clear up and the next day there would be a whole new set of breakouts appearing.
Since I have been home so much more I thought maybe not wearing makeup would clear my skin up and make it healthy. This was actually the opposite. I started breaking out more- I thought maybe this is from stress. Then I realized since I wasn’t wearing makeup I wasn’t really cleaning my face and taking care of my skin as I normally would. I also found out that a-lot of the products I was using actually contain beneficial ingredients for your skin like vitamin C. Fast forward a month later. My skin has been so clear and I can really say I feel good about it. Since I had such a good experience with what I was doing I wanted to share it with you guys so maybe you would have the same experience as me!
1.) Celery Juice– I didn’t believe it would work and it was hard for me to believe all the benefits. I can truly say this has helped not only my skin but my energy levels are up and I feel good. I found the easiest way to make celery juice is to use a juicer. I got THIS one.
2.) Averr Aglow Skincare- I have been using the Clear Skin Elixir every other night for the last month. Let me tell you guys this stuff will make the difference. I saw my acne not only disappearing more quickly, but the scarring that is usually left behind from when I break out and discoloration was almost non existent. It’s is made with all natural and plant based ingredients as well so there are not harsh chemicals going into your body. I would use it every other night and put it on my skin before bed. I would sleep with it at night to get the full benefits. I highly highly recommend this product though it you have acne you are looking to clear up. I also got THIS makeup remover since I found a lot of makeup removers I was using were oily and causing my acne to flare up. The brand was also kind enough to give me a discount code for you guys its TARA15.
3.) Use a facial Toner! I have found that using a facial toner makes such a huge difference! It made my skin hydrated and not dry and dull looking- which was what I found was happening using a lot of acne clearing solutions. I use THIS ONE or you can make your own. I posted how I have made my own toner in this blog post HERE.
4.) Don’t Skip Sunscreen. Wear it everyday! Even in the Winter months. Not wearing sunscreen can cause acne scaring and major skin discoloration. I just started using the Tula Sunscreen in place of my primer and LOVE it. This sunscreen wont leave a white cast and it wont clog your pores- theres actually a ton of benefits to it! You can find it HERE and use the code TNSTYLED for 15% off.
5.) Sanitize! Wipe your phone down. People dont realize this but holding your phone up to your face causes oil to rub against it which in turn can cause your skin to breakout. So clean your phone and any other items that touch your face. I also use a Microneedler some nights- make sure you are cleaning stuff like this too. Same with your makeup brushes, beauty blenders and facial rollers!
I hope that some of these tips help anyone having the same struggles as I do. Follow me on instagram @tnstyled for more!