So it’s no lie I love my designer handbags and Jewelry but I recently came across some David Yurman inspired jewelry on Amazon and I was very pleasantly surprised! It looks almost identical to my Jewelry that is hundreds of dollars more and you can get almost the exact same looking jewelry for WAY less. I have a few pieces on the way to me. I love the way a few of the bracelets look stacked with each other. I also love to wear a watch with these bracelets I think it really adds to the look.
I also have been asked what I use to clean my jewelry. I have been using the Brilliant jewelry cleaner for years. I especially love it for my rings. It comes with a little basket that you let your rings sit in the solution for a few minutes and it also comes with a little brush to clean your jewelry off with after it cleans in the liquid. It also lasts a super long time and you cant beat the price! especially purchasing it on Amazon! I will link everything in my post!