I have struggled with sleeping at night for YEARS. I would wake up throughout the night multiple times or have trouble falling asleep. Especially during stressful times in my life, I used to find myself getting very little sleep throughout the night. So, I wanted to get a post together with some things that I do to help calm my mind at night and help me to get the best nights sleep I can.
1.) ZzzQuil Pure Zzz’s- THIS STUFF wow I literally can’t recommend it more. It seriously has helped me to sleep through the night so much better than I ever have before. It’s non habit forming and I don’t feel like I need it to sleep, but I definitely think its helps so much. Theres also no next day grogginess at least from my experience. It also has Chamomile and Lavender in it which also promotes healthy sleep. I obviously am not a doctor so I would say consult with your physician before you start using this, but the main ingredient is melatonin and one gummy is only 1 gram so its a super minimal amount.
2.) Oil Diffuser + Lavender Oil– I love to turn on my oil diffuser at night before I go to sleep. I have been using THIS lavender oil and have also been loving THIS oil. Lavender oil has a ton of benefits including research that has shown it is useful in treating anxiety, depression, insomnia and restlessness and it also smells AMAZING.
3.) Face Masks+ Chamomile Tea– I found THESE face masks a while back and they are soo relaxing and smell so good. I try to do this once a week usually on a Sunday before the work week starts. A face mask and a cup of Chamomile tea seriously is the most relaxing thing! Anything warm at night is soothing and promotes sleep (just make sure its caffeine free!)
4.) Keep a humidifier running at night. This has helped me especially in the winter months when the heat makes our house super dry. You can get one for relatively cheap on Amazon too! I recently purchased THIS one and its worked really well so far!
5.) Invest in THIS noise machine. It is not super expensive but I definitely saw a-lot of cheaper ones around and I have not had good luck with them. This one hooks up to your phone and you can control it from there. I never thought I would be a noise machine person either. A few months back when I was traveling for work I was in a hotel that was super loud with the city streets right below me and the noise machine was a life saver! Now I cant sleep without it.
6.) Go to sleep at the same time each night. This really helps in regulating your sleep cycle. Even on weekends. I know its not always doable but if you can try to go to sleep within the same hour each night I really think this has helped me so much.
7.) Use a heating pad- this sounds like it may not work but THIS one I purchased is filled with rice and Lavender and it smells so good once you heat it up in the microwave. I think its so relaxing to use before bed!
8.) My last tip and probably one of the most important ones is to ditch the phone and TV at least a half an hour before bed! Basically, the blue light from your phone overstimulates your brain and interferes with the production of melatonin in your brain which is the hormone that helps your body sleep. So if you are lacking in melatonin, which is usually why people cant sleep, changing up your routine of watching tv and looking at your phone before bed may help!
I have trouble sleeping too. Your blog gives good information on what to use and also do to get more sleep. I am going to get the chamomile tea and the Zzzquil gummies. Also I am going to try to go to sleep and turn off the tv and phone!! I know they are big culprits as to why I do not sleep good. Thanks Tara! ??