Who else loves popcorn?! I looove more than anything sitting down to watch a movie and having some popcorn (and wine? ) and watching a movie. Movie theatre and pre-made popcorn has so many unnecessary things in it like preservatives and not to mention tons of butter and sodium. I have been making popcorn on my stove for years- or you can get an air popper (linked one that is about $30 HERE) I just never really felt it was necessary but it does make it easier if you would prefer not to use your stove top.
I recently have been obsessed with anything truffle since its sooo flavorful! I found truffle oil and a powder truffle zest on Amazon and have been experimenting with it. I have been using it on veggies and pasta and now popcorn and it is SO good. All I do is pop some popcorn in olive oil (since you need a high eat oil) then I drizzle the truffle oil in place of butter and add some of the powdered zest and some sea salt and you have yourself a delicious snack! I linked everything below!