So I have been meaning to get to this post but wanted to try a few products out a little more before I gave any feedback on them! I am 23 weeks pregnant and I luckily has a relatively easy first trimester other then the terrible food aversions- but these products have all been really helpful and products I would 100% recommend!
1.) Black Side runched dress– this is AMAZING for a growing tummy since it stretches and is also flattering. It comes in a bunch of other colors too! I actually have had this dress for about 2 years now and own it in multiple colors so its good for before/during/after pregnant. It also comes in a long sleeve version or I pair this with a cute cardigan or Blazer and some booties and it looks so cute and its also on sale for $38!
2.) American Eagle Offline leggings- these leggings are a recent favorite of mine and I wish i found them sooner. I think I now have about 6 pairs of these and I just sized up to a medium. They are stretchy and so soft!
3.) Ritual Prenatal Vitamins– So many people rave about these vitamins so I wanted to try them out for myself. They have almost all the essential vitamins you need during/before pregnancy and I also love that they get delivered directly to your house every months so you never run out!
4.) Pink Stork Products- I have always loved so many of their products but this tea has been so good for during pregnancy! It has lavender in it and has really helps me sleep!
5.) Jade Roller- put this in the freezer and use it in the morning when you need to wake up. So. Good. Its also really inexpensive on amazon.
6.) Preggie Pops- I never felt sick but I did have some food aversions which made me feel not so great and these helped so much. I love the taste of them and they also have some vitamins in them!
7.) Mama Mio Skincare– I have been using their body oil and butter and it smells so yummy and has also kept my skin very moisturized. I talked about this over on my Instagram stories today but it helps to prevent stretch marks which I know are sometimes genetic but anything to help! I used this on my legs too! Also- THIS product has been a game changer for me and I wish I found it sooner. I also have a 20% off Discount code on their website (inked HERE) use code “TARA”.