I usually always have a few New Jersey Lottery scratch-off tickets on hand during the holiday season so I can give them out easily. The tickets are easy to get and can usually be found at local stores such as Quick Check and 7-11 and many other convenience stores making them a super easy and quick gift option. They are also great to give as a gift for a secret Santa or white elephant as well and to hand out to first responders, teachers and even your mail carrier.
I also wanted to come up with something creative that New Jersey Lottery tickets can be used for. I thought it would be such a fun idea to include a scratch-off ticket on each place setting at your holiday dinner! It would be such a fun way to get your dinner started. Some other creative ideas you can use lottery tickets for are as gift wrap (you can easily make a gift so pretty and so much more fun to unwrap!)
For a stress free gift idea stop by a local store to pick up some New Jersey Lottery tickets today! Don’t forget to treat yourself to a few too because who doesn’t love winning some extra cash!? What would you do if you won on a NJ Lottery Scratch-Off ticket?

For more information visit New Jersey Lottery https://www.njlottery.com/en-us/home.html (hyperlink New Jersey Lottery using the homepage link provided)
*****Thank you to New Jersey Lottery for sponsoring this post****