30 Things I Learned Before 30

I seriously feel like it was just my 21st Birthday last year and here we are…turning 30 this weekend! Looking back at the last decade I truly have so much I am so incredibly grateful for. I had some big life moments in the last decade that have changed who I am- and also helped me learn so many amazing things about life and so many lessons.

First and foremost I had my son almost two years ago and if there’s anything that can change your life it’s for sure having a child. He is truly my entire world and I never understood what people meant by that until I had my son. He has brought so much joy to our family. I also married my husband, Mark almost 5 years ago and would not be where I am today without him. He has helped grow my business and has been my biggest fan + supporter along the way. I don’t think he has ever missed “liking” any of my Instagram posts haha.

I also graduated from Providence College and started my career in Health Care but ultimately found my passion when I started blogging in 2018. I have learned so much over the last 10 years. I have lost many friends but also gained so many new friends. I have also learned so many other things that I wanted to share with you guys. I have been jotting things down as they came to mind the last few weeks and compiled a list that I will share below <3

  1. Hard work and consistency pay off.
  2. It’s ok to let go of friendships. People come and go that’s life.
  3. 100’s of “friends” are lonelier than a few good friends.
  4. Family is everything. Spend all the time you can with loved ones.
  5. Always forgive. It shows your strength.
  6. Be kind. You don’t know what someone else is going through at that moment even if they don’t show it.
  7. It’s ok to cry but remember tomorrow is a new day.
  8. Set Goals.
  9. Believe in yourself.
  10. Be confident.
  11. Not talking about something won’t solve your problems.
  12. I’m a good mom. We all parent differently.
  13. You are strong then you ever could have imagined.
  14. Don’t stress over a mess.
  15. Smile at someone today. It could brightening their day.
  16. Drink more water. It’s literally the cure all haha
  17. Life is too short to not choose happiness.
  18. The next 10 years are going to fly by like the last 10. Celebrate each day.
  19. Always appreciate the ones who check in on you.
  20. Never ruin a good day by thinking about a bad yesterday.
  21. Move your body everyday.
  22. Don’t compare yourself to anyone else. We all walk down different paths in life.
  23. Try not to be so quick to judge. We all have our own stories.
  24. Eat good food. Fad diets are NEVER worth it.
  25. Hug your loved ones.
  26. Never take your health for granted.
  27. Take a vacation. The memories will last a lifetime.
  28. Surround yourself with people who make you laugh. Laughter is the best medicine.
  29. Good things take time be patient (still working on this one LOL)
  30. Life is short. Be grateful for each day even the bad ones.

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