Over the years I have always taken an interest in healthy eating + maintaining a health lifestyle. It is always something I did a ton of research on and really enjoyed learning about. I also found that when I maintained a healthy balanced lifestyle I felt so much better each day and had more energy. *please note I am not a licensed professional and all of this advice is just what has worked for me and helped me to feel good over the years. This advice should not be used in place of seeking professional/medical help*
I wanted to talk about a problem I think a lot of us are faced with (this has always been something I have battled with) and that is BLOATING! I gathered a few tips and tricks that I have used over the years to reduce + prevent feeling bloated.
1.) DRINK MORE WATER. Did you know our bodies are made up of about 60% water? Crazy right?! Drinking water has so many benefits. Skin feel dry? Drink more water. Feeling bloated? Drink more water. Not only is water great for your skin and bloating but you digestive system depends on it! Something I have recently been using and loving are THESE Qula Pink Sunshine Kombucha tablets. Not only does Kombucha have probiotics but drinking these also helps me to stay hydrated since it tastes so good! Another trick is to add a little lemon or mint leaves for some flavor.
2.) Eat Potassium Rich foods. If you are feeling bloated from a meal packed with sodium this can help a lot. Foods such as Avocado, Sweet potato and Bananas are great for this. Not only are these foods great for bloating but they are also so healthy! When I was pregnant I ate a ton of avocados for all of their health benefits. I have heard bananas are great too I sadly don’t love them (literally one of the only foods I really don’t like). Things such as Dandelion, Ginger and Fennel also help to reduce bloating and I actually found all three of these in the form of a vitamin from one of my favorite vitamin brands, Olly. These vitamins contain all three ingredients and help to reduce bloating from gas, water retention and eating foods that can sometimes cause bloating.
3.) Go for a walk. This one is pretty self explanatory. Walking not only helps with bloating and getting your body moving but its also great to go for a walk to clear your mind a get some fresh air. This is one of my favorite things to do with Luke! Try putting on a podcast or listening to an audio book or some music. I have found this helps keep me motivated to continue walking. I love THESE ear buds for walking. They are just like apple air pods but only $34.
4.) Take a probiotic. I have heard really good things about THESE. Probiotics help with your gut health and can boost the immune system. They also can help to reduce inflammation and allergies! If you are like me and dread taking a bunch of vitamins everyday I cam across THESE probiotic chocolates and who doesn’t like chocolate? I will definitely remember to take my “probiotics” if its in the form of dark chocolate LOL.