I recently saw Danielle at Transformare Bellezza and had such an amazing experience. Being 8 months postpartum I have learned that this is a hard time. You are learning how to balance everything you used to on top of taking care of a baby and it’s not easy! Something that I personally think helps during this time is feeling confident in your body and just overall feeling good about yourself.
I recently learned that I had some separation in my abdomen and it was causing my lower stomach to basically stick out more then the top of my abdomen. I had heard of this happening during pregnancy before and am learning that it is a very common thing which is why women sometimes feel like they have a pouch in their lower stomach. I know how lucky I am to have carried a healthy baby but I will be honest I was feeling a bit discouraged after consistently working out and eating healthy and not really seeing any results. SO I know this may not be for everyone but I wanted to talk about what I am doing to try to look and feel my best since I know there are so many other women out there who feel the same way.
When I got to Transformare Bellezza, Danielle was there to greet me. I had a consult and we discussed what the best treatment options would be for me. We decided that a mixture of Radiofrequency skin tightening therapy and Laser Cavitation (also called Laser Lipo) and a body contouring treatment that uses electromagnetic field to force muscle contractions which in turn will help tone your abdomen muscles (this can also be done on other areas of the body). Danielle also did some wood therapy and lymphatic drainage since you have so much built up fluid in your body after having a baby and after doing this I honestly saw a difference already. I have zero pain tolerance so my first question for Danielle was “does this hurt” and she assured me there is absolutely no pain with anything and she was 100% correct. I had zero pain! I will be going back in two weeks for more treatments but I am so pleased already with the results. I also wanted to talk a little more about wood therapy since I had never heard of it before. Some of the benefits are that it is totally non-invasive, burns fat and breaks down cellulite, eliminates toxins and stimulates lymphatic drainage.
I am looking forward to seeing results over the next few weeks and as always feel free to message me @tnstyled on Instagram or leave a comment below!